Lock Bot Privacy Policy

This document clarifies the ways in which we (Lock Bot) collect, store, use and protect your data throughout our services.

This Privacy Policy applies as part of our Terms of Service, you can delete your data at any time.

Find all previous revisions here.

Data Collected

The following list describes all data that Lock Bot stores and collects through your use of the services, which may be related to you as a user or directly provided by you.


Lock data is essential for the core operation of Lock bot.

Lock Data includes:

  • User ID
  • Lock ID
  • User provided Descriptive data
  • Time information
  • Current code
  • Other user defined configuration


Keyholder data is used to allow others to control locks, this data is stored septate and is not attached to the lock data.

Lock Data includes:

  • User ID (of the keyholder)
  • Lock ID
  • Status (pending or approved)

User Accounts

User account data is essential and required for most features of Lock Bot.

User account data includes:

  • User ID
  • Creation Timestamp
  • User flags (donor, developer, moderator, ect)
  • User Settings
  • Last 5 Codes
  • User statistics (lock and keyholder statistics found in the profile view)

Lock Time Status

Lock time stats is stat data with duration and a timestamp used to show how long the user is locked within a time period.

This Data includes:

  • User ID
  • Creation Timestamp
  • Duration

Lock History Data

Lock history data is created when events happen in a lock (time added removed, lock frozen, keyholding added approved, custom unlock used, ect) and is stored separately from a lock.

Lock history Data includes:

  • Lock ID
  • Event Name
  • Creation Timestamp
  • Responsible User ID
  • Reason
  • Other data related to the event (time, name, users, ect)

Storage of Data

Data is stored in Lock Bot’s network with appropriate security measures in place, and is never exposed to the public. We will take effort to remain transparent and notify you as soon as possible if we believe any breach of data has occurred.

Usage of Data

We store data for the sole purpose of providing functionality in our services, within Discord or through our web services.

Under no circumstances is any user data shared with third parties.

Deleting your Data

At any time you may delete your data with the /deleteuserdata command. This will delete all of the data above from our database and this is not reversible.