

Welcome to the Lock Bot Documentation!

Here you can find detailed information about Lock Bots features and systems, often more in depth then can be found within the bot itself.

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Getting Started

To use Lock Bot you will either need to invite it to a Discord server that you own or have manage service permissions in or join a server that already has lock bot. If you would like to join a server we would recommend you join Lock Bots support server.


Do to the adult nature of this bot, most commands are restricted to NSFW (age restricted) channels. If a channel is not marked as NSFW Lock Bots commands will NOT show up. TO mark a channel as NSFW go to channel settings -> overview -> toggle age restricted channel on.

How to use Lock Bot

Now that you have access to lock bot click here for a quick guide on how to create your first lock!

Want to create a profile without making a lock? Run the /profile command and hit confirm to the prompt asking you to create an account. You can delete your account at any time. This command is also how you update all of your settings.

Otherwise all commands be found by typing / and selecting the Lock Bot icon or by clicking the apps button on the far right next to the chat bar in Discord and selecting lock bot.

If you still need help or want to give feedback? Please ask us in our support server, we would be happy to help.

Lock Bots Documentation is also open source on github! This website is powered by nextra.